Peace of mind

talking to elderly parents about estate planning

How To Talk to Your Elderly Parents about Estate Planning

Discussing estate planning with your parents is a conversation that can be difficult to have. You might not want to think about the day they are no longer here, or even consider that they might experience a decline in health that severely limits their ability to think clearly or communicate with you.

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legacy plan grandpa with kids

Four Ways To Transfer Wealth the Wrong Way—And How A Legacy Plan Can Help

Over the next 25 years, analysts anticipate $68 trillion to be passed down to younger generations and charities. While the importance of legacy planning is not limited to the forthcoming Great Wealth Transfer, it does spotlight the significant amount of wealth that has been created, primarily by Baby Boomers, and the need to transition these assets thoughtfully.

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Estate Planning Mistakes: family portrait

5 Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

According to a survey, only 4 in 10 American adults have a will or a living trust. And what may be even more surprising is that younger adults are outpacing their middle-aged and older counterparts when it comes to estate planning.

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When Should You Update Your Estate Plan?

If your life changes, so should your estate plan. Marriage, divorce, death of a spouse, a birth and a changing relationship with a child are just some of the life changes that may affect your estate plan.

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Estate Planning and Cryptocurrency

Digital assets have been around for quite some time. However, they seem to be dominating headlines again this year. In part, you can thank high-profile figures, such as Elon Musk, for promoting cryptocurrency, or music artist Grimes for selling $6 million in NFTs.

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